We invite you to the first official presentation of the “PERIKLIS” Foundation on Friday, June 7, 1900 at the Municipal Cultural Centre Panos Solomonidis in Limassol.
The event will last approximately one hour and will include:
- Greeting from the Minister of Education and Culture, Dr Costas Chambiaouris
- Greeting by the Mayor of Limassol, Nikos Nicolaides
- Greeting from the Chairman of the Foundation, Michael Avraam
- Presentation of the Foundation by the member of the Board, Ms Elena Maniatopoulou Hadjipanagi
- Presentation on “The contribution of artistic activity to the children’ spiritual, mental and moral development”by the psychologist Mrs Myria Maragou
- Awards to the Foundation Sponsors and Collaborators.
- Reception
Your presence will honour us and fill us with the strength to continue our efforts